Friday, May 30, 2014

Days 2 & 3

Day 2

We went to the store and got some supplies. (Jon is doing this with me because he’s awesome and supportive.) We grabbed some veggies, fruits and a watermelon that is out of this world. I made drool worthy kale chips and fruit leather. We are prepping ourselves with healthy options so when the sweet cravings come we are ready.

The watermelon has been sooo helpful! Every time I get a craving it’s my go to snack. They usually strike after dinner, so I just get out the watermelon bowl and dig in.

Day 3

This morning I made an amazing smoothie. It's like a vacation in a cup.

Smooth Sailing Smoothie:
2 bananas
¼ cup peanut butter (find out whose only ingredient is peanuts)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk

Blend together and enjoy!

It was smooth and silky, sweet and energizing. It was a perfect start to my day! (I usually enjoy adding dark leafy greens to my smoothies, but I ran out so I need to go to the store to get more. ) I also added in some maca powder and it was fabulous!

Today the sun is smiling down on all of us in Portlandia! It’s basically the perfect day. It's almost the weekend, but keep up the good work! Don't get derailed. 10 days will be gone and done before we know it!

We are armed with all the armor needed to be successful! And with a can do attitude and a vision of what freedom from this addiction will mean, there’s no craving that we can’t smack down.

P.S. It’s not too late to start! Leave me you email address here or on Facebook to get started with your 10 day sugar detox!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 1

Alright ladies and gents, here goes nothing! I have to say, I'm a little nervous about this. I've taken several tests to see if I am addicted to sugar and one of the questions that resonated with me was "are you afraid to give it up?" It sounds crazy, but I have a million reasons why I shouldn't do this. It's like a comfort food. If you're like me, you eat it when you're tired, stressed, happy, mad, and all the tidal wave of emotions in between. Sugar is always there for me. But when you get down to the nitty gritty, all these are really just excuses. I honestly am afraid to give it up.  However, I know life will be better off the sweet stuff. I'm feeling the fear and doing it anyways. So, here goes nothing!

If you need more motivation...check this out.

So, it's day 1. So far it's not so bad. Yesterday, I set my intention. I visualized what life will be like 10 days from now. I want to feel lighter, brighter and ready to take on new challenges. Once I beat this addiction, I won't have to be slave to it any longer! Woo hoo! It will feel like paradise!

Sugar is a toxin. It goes into our bodies and a lot of the time is stored as fat - which is also a toxin. It's related to diseases that bombard our health care system. These include, obesity, insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. With a simple dietary fix, we can get our bodies back in balance. We need to release and get rid of the toxins that haunt our bodies so that we feel better, lose weight, have more energy, sleep better and have clearer skin.

I'm thrilled at the response I've gotten with this! If you haven't signed up, it's not too late! You can do this free 10 day sugar detox with me! You can be everything you've ever wanted. You're amazing!

Leave a comment below or message me on Facebook with your email address to get started!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Killing Me Sweetly

Ok, so I've been doing research so that I'm motivated to get off the sweet, delectable white powder. I know myself and if I don't understand the benefits of doing something, I won't do it because, let's face it, it's a whole lot easier to just look the other way and do nothing about it. 

That being said, I've found some pretty scary motivation! Did you know that sugar causes premature aging, can cause a variety of cancers, brain decay and in pregnant women it can cause neural tube defects in embryos? And that's just 4 horrifying things it causes. There's 142 more reasons why sugar is ruining your health on this list! Turns out sugar isn't so sweet after all!

"Sugar is 8 times as addictive as cocaine"! No wonder we're addicted and it turns out it may not be our fault! According to Dr. Mark Hyman the food industry continues to make our food more and more addictive. Obviously their #1 goal is to make money, so they have some of the top chemists tampering with real food, they add in tons of artificial crap so that we crave it and load our shopping carts with more.  

I love what Dr. Aviva Romm over at mindbodygreen has to say about this: "Many women beat themselves up emotionally on a daily basis over lost food battles, without realizing that they're up against some of the best scientists in the world."

And it's not just chocolate bars and starbursts that have sugar. It's snacks too! Potato chips, cereals, salad dressings, can pretty much sneak up on you anywhere! You really have to read labels to be sure that it's not weaseling it's way into your mouth. Simple carbs like French fries, white rice, white bread, white potatoes, white flours –( “the whites”)  turn into glucose in your body so your body can’t tell if needs insulin for a French fry or a snickers bar. In natural, whole food sources, like fruit, you don’t have to worry about this. Fruit contains fiber and doesn’t spike your blood sugar like candy or soda pop.

It’s vital to know what is in the food you’re putting into your body. After all, as the old saying goes: you are what you eat! Be a detective! Really look at your food labels and find the hidden, sneaky sugar ninjas that are still lurking in your pantry or fridge. 

In my 10 day sugar detox (starting on Wednesday) I'm going to quit cold turkey. We have each other for support and you'll get daily emails to help keep you on track and give you the motivation you need to achieve your goals. Living sugar free has so many benefits including:

                 •    Weight loss - bye bye stubborn fat (ya baby!)
                 •    More energy 
                 •    Clearer, younger looking skin
                 •    Less mood swings
                 •    Happier and more positive mindset
                 •    Reduced headaches
                 •    Overall health will increase
                 •    Better sleep 
                 •    Increased immune system

Oh, and did I mention that this is FREE? What?! Yes it’s 100% free! Don’t miss out!

Are you ready to feel amazing?! Leave me your email address and get ready to kick butt! Let's get rockin and rollin!

*If you have health problems consult your physician before starting this or any other diet/ detox plan.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Juicy Confession

Ok ok, so I have a confession. Hi, my name is Lacie and I’m a sugar addict.

It’s not a rare occurrence for me to have delectable, sweet, sugary goodness in my home. Some days I do pretty good, other days I feel the desire to eat sweets all.the.time. So I stuff my face and feel horrible after! I have a little burst of energy followed by an epic energy crash, I have a stomach ache and the worst part is that I don’t feel satisfied at all and I just want to eat more. And the circle commences over and over and over. I feel like a dog chasing his tail. Ugh! Have you ever felt this way?

I’ve kicked the habit before, but this time I’m kicking it and sticking with it! I’m so done with the cravings and the blood sugar swings and the moodiness and the energy crashes and all the other ridiculous crap.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again, diets don’t work! That’s right, you heard me, DIETS DON’T WORK! Depravation is not the key to feeling better. It’s important to add healthier, better quality foods in and the junk will start to loose it’s appeal.

So, it’s going to be my journey to find healthy sweet options that don’t make my blood sugar levels spike while insulin floods my system. I can have my sweets and eat them without feeling yucky too!

Do you want to wake up in the morning and feel like jumping out of bed? Do you want to have energy all day long? And do you want to think more clearly and finally get out of the perpetual sugar craving circle? Do you want to loose weight and feel amazing?!

The first step is my 10 day sugar detox. Who’s with me? If you want to join in, leave a comment with your email address and let’s get this party started!