Friday, May 30, 2014

Days 2 & 3

Day 2

We went to the store and got some supplies. (Jon is doing this with me because he’s awesome and supportive.) We grabbed some veggies, fruits and a watermelon that is out of this world. I made drool worthy kale chips and fruit leather. We are prepping ourselves with healthy options so when the sweet cravings come we are ready.

The watermelon has been sooo helpful! Every time I get a craving it’s my go to snack. They usually strike after dinner, so I just get out the watermelon bowl and dig in.

Day 3

This morning I made an amazing smoothie. It's like a vacation in a cup.

Smooth Sailing Smoothie:
2 bananas
¼ cup peanut butter (find out whose only ingredient is peanuts)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk

Blend together and enjoy!

It was smooth and silky, sweet and energizing. It was a perfect start to my day! (I usually enjoy adding dark leafy greens to my smoothies, but I ran out so I need to go to the store to get more. ) I also added in some maca powder and it was fabulous!

Today the sun is smiling down on all of us in Portlandia! It’s basically the perfect day. It's almost the weekend, but keep up the good work! Don't get derailed. 10 days will be gone and done before we know it!

We are armed with all the armor needed to be successful! And with a can do attitude and a vision of what freedom from this addiction will mean, there’s no craving that we can’t smack down.

P.S. It’s not too late to start! Leave me you email address here or on Facebook to get started with your 10 day sugar detox!

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