Friday, June 27, 2014

New Blog!

Hey friends!

I switched blogging mediums. I really wanted to hear from you, and this platform wouldn't let me read your comments - no matter what I did. Since you're all really important to me and I want to know what you think, I switched over to wordpress.

Now for the good news: it works! I would love to hear from you over on my new blog! It's

Thanks for your support and I look forward to the next part of our wonderful journey. So come on over! Join the party!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Weight Loss Tip Tuesday - Drink, Drink, Drink

Welcome to weight loss tip Tuesday!

As a health coach, I love love LOVE helping women lose weight, have more energy, fall in love with themselves, sleep better, de-stress and so much more! 

There is so much information about nutrition out there. It feels like articles are always telling you to eat this and not eat that. New superfoods are constantly emerging and there are foods you may eat that are scientifically proven to cause horrific diseases practically every second. On top of that jumble of information, throw in the crazy busyness of your job, your family, your life and...phew! Where do you begin?

That's where I come in! As a health coach, I am able to help you navigate the waters of nutrition and lifestyle. Everybody's different so it's ridiculous to think that there's one miracle "diet" that will work for everyone. (Plus, I hate diets! They don't work.) I collaborate with my clients to find what works best for them. It's fantastic!

Today's weight loss tip is to DRINK WATER! It sounds so simple, but 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. 

Drink your way to weight loss. Feeling a little hungry? Try drinking a glass of water before you reach for a snack. Thirst is often confused with hunger. Drink a glass of water before your meals. This will help you eat less and feel satisfied. 

How do you know if you're dehydrated? Here are some common symptoms that you may experience:
  • Thirst
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Weakness
  • Dry Skin
  • Cravings for sugar and salt
  • Dizziness
  • Dark urine
  • Dry, sticky mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
One of the simplest ways to tell if you're dehydrated is to look at the color of you pee (seriously!). It should be a very pale yellow. If it's dark, that's a sign from your body to drink, drink, drink!

How much water should you be drinking? Strive for half your body weight in ounces every day. That means if you're 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 ounces (about 12.5 cups) of water. You need more if you exercise, drink caffeine, are in a hot/humid environment, high altitude, you're pregnant or breast feeding, you're ill and have diarrhea, vomiting or a urinary tract infection.

It may seem a bit overwhelming to drink so much, especially when you're not used to it.  Here's a tip: keep a BPA free water bottle by your side during the day. Drink a little bit every 30 minutes or so (you can set a timer on your phone to help you remember). Keep refilling it. It may feel awkward for a few days, but you'll get used to it and your body will thank you!

What happens if you get tired of just drinking water all the time? Try drinking some herbal tea or add fresh fruit to your water. You can add strawberries, kiwis, raspberries, cucumber, mint, lemon, lime, the list goes on and on. You're only limited by your imagination, so get creative, think fun!

Let me know what you come up with! You are all wonderful!


Friday, June 20, 2014

Why Lentils Are Amazing

The recipe I tried last night was a winner! And, as an added bonus, it's packs a major nutritional punch! We couldn't get enough, and ate 'til our tummies were stuffed. Needless to say, it's husband approved.

I cooked with lentils for the first time probably about 6 months ago and have never looked back! There are a variety of different kinds of lentils. I've tried quite a few different ones, but for what I've cooked, I really like the French Green and regular Green lentils.

French Green Lentils
Green Lentils
Let me tell you why they're amazing. First, they are one of the easiest things to cook. You don't have to measure out water or pay close attention to them. Just fill a pot up with water (at least enough to cover the lentils) and pop it on the stove - cook for 20-25 minutes until they're tender. That's it!

These guys help fight against obesity and help us lose weight. They are loaded with protein and fiber.  They help keep blood sugar stable, have tons of vitamins and minerals (including folate and magnesium) and help protect against heart disease. They help keep us full so we don't feel the need to  jump off the wagon. All this, and they're low in calories and have virtually no fat! Talk about a superfood! 

The recipe I tried is from Oh She Glows. To see the recipe, click here.

I ran out of cumin, so I added 1/4 tsp cumin (that's all I had) and 1/2 tsp garlic powder instead. Jon likes things spicy, so I cut up a jalapeño for him. Other than that, I pretty much stuck to the recipe. 

It's fast, easy, delicious and healthy! Let me know what you think!

By the way, I'm still trying to figured out how to make the comments work. I would love to hear from you, so I'm working on it!


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Road Trip!

My hubby and I went on a little road trip these past few days. He needed to go to southern Oregon for work and I was able to tag along. It was such a blast! Oregon really is an incredibly gorgeous state. I was in awe at the scenery that surrounded us pretty much the entire time.

I knew that we were going to be taking this trip, and I wanted to be prepared because, let's face it, it can be difficult trying to find healthy food on the road. Saturday we went to farmer's market and picked up some beautiful bright red strawberries, delectable white raspberries, the sweetest rainbow of cherry tomatoes, juicy rainier cherries, and fresh little carrots. We went to the store and grabbed some raw nuts, Dave's killer bread, peanut butter (only ingredient is peanuts...yum) and some raw, local honey. I snacked on PB&H and all my other lovelies on the road. I was in heaven!

On our way down south, we were able to take a detour and see Crater Lake. It's incredible! It's actually a volcano and when it erupted a few thousand years ago, it lost too much magma, rendering it unstable so it caved in on itself and naturally filled up with water. The water is a combination of the prettiest blues I've ever seen! We weren't able to get as many pictures as we wanted though, both of our phones died because it was so cold! Here's our adventure:

For some reason everywhere we went, almost all the hotels were booked solid. Crazy! The last night was the most difficult but, we finally found a hotel. It was pretty sketchy. It definitely had a slight serial killer vibe. We said a prayer that we wouldn't get murdered in our sleep and went to bed. Luckily, we're still here!

Road trips are fun, but it's true that there's no place like home. I loved snuggling up in my bed last night! I've missed cooking...and it wasn't even a super long road trip. I'm trying a new recipe tonight, I'll let you know how it goes and post it tomorrow if it's a keeper!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday the 13th

Dun dun duuunnnnn......

And it's a full moon tonight. Spooky! Since it's cloudy and a little cold and a slightly freaky "holiday" I have the perfect meal for y'all to try. This is actually the soup we make on Halloween. It's delicious, healthy, creamy, smooth and velvety. And it's souper simple (I couldn't resist). It's basically a must try. 

Have you heard about miso? It's been used in Asian cooking for hundreds of years. It's considered a superfood. It's loaded with antioxidants, essential minerals such as zinc and manganese, loads of phytonutrients and it's fermented so it's amazing for our gut flora! You can pretty much find it anywhere. This is the kind I buy. I get it from Whole Foods or Natural Grocers. I think QFC might have it too. 

If you don't have meal plans, give this a try! It's a crowd pleaser!

Carrot Miso Soup

2 Tbs water
2 lbs carrots - thinly sliced
1 large onion - diced
4 regular/ 6 small garlic cloves - smashed
1 Tbs freshly grated ginger
4 cups vegetable broth
1/4 cup white miso paste
maple or brown rice syrup - to taste
raw pumpkin seeds - to top

  • In a large soup pot, add water, carrots, onions and garlic - sauté until onion is translucent (about 10 minutes)
  • Add broth and ginger - cover and simmer until carrots are tender (about 30 minutes)
  • Pureè soup in batches in a blender, or all at once with an immersion blender (I like to leave mine a little chunky)
  • In a small bowl, whisk together miso and 1/2 cup of the soup - stir the mixture back into the soup
  • Taste and add extra miso, salt and pepper and agave if needed
  • Ladle in bowls and top with raw pumpkin seeds
Pair this with a delicious green salad and you're set!

Enjoy friends!


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Happy Dance

Lately, I've been thinking about being the happiest you can be. In order to do this, it is essential to have gratitude and love in your heart.

The more I look around at the world, the less and less love I see. It's so sad! But every now and then, a story pops up that restores my faith in humanity.

Rather than waiting to read or see something good, I decided long ago, that I would live my life in such a way that I would have joy and happiness and help others do the same.

Cue the song "Happy" by Pharell 

There's a challenge out there, have any of you heard of it? It's called 100 days of happy. I LOVE what they're doing! Check it out!

I will be doing this, starting tomorrow. If you want to see what I'm up to and what makes me happy, follow me on Instagram @ L_GIBSON22.

It is vital for excellent health and wellness to harbor a positive mindset. I'm pretty sure this is one of the best ways to realize how blessed we actually are. Not to mention, it will help get you out of the same old negativity rut.

Who's with me? Let's do this! It's happy time!

You deserve it!

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Coast

This weekend was a lazy one. Sometimes those are my favorites. The week is so crazy busy that it's nice to just chill with my man. So, we hibernated :)

Jon travels all over Oregon for his work and sometimes I get to tag along. This morning we woke up bright and early and headed over to Seaside. We left early enough that we were able to play on the beach for a little while. I love the ocean. It's so powerful and calming. The marina air hadn't burned off yet, so it was cloudy and a little drizzly. But it was still perfect.

After he visited a couple clinics, we enjoyed a picnic in the car. We packed a little brunch before we left. Oregon is so beautiful! I didn't realize how many different shades of green nature has to share until we moved here. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking. There were times I thought we were driving in a painting it was so impeccable.

I think planning ahead is one of the most important things when you travel - especially if you're out and about when you're hungry. Trust me, I have been tempted my the tantalizing smells of food that I know will not make me feel good more than once! However, when I've planned it out and have something with me, I'm able to resist.

Here's to a fantastic week!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 10 - 7 Ways I Quit Sugar

Day 10

Think about it. Every bite of food that you put into your mouth stays there for what? Maybe 15 seconds? That’s how long you get to enjoy it and then it’s gone. After that, it goes to your stomach, where your body then turns it into your blood cells, your tissues, your organs, even your thoughts. You literally are what you eat.

Every time you put something in your mouth, you are either preventing disease, or causing it.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO):
“At least 80% of all heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes would be prevented; over 40% of cancer would be prevented” through lifestyle changes.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says:
Chronic diseases and conditions—such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis—are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems.”

If you don’t change, nothing will change. You can sit there and wish that things will happen, but wishing doesn’t do a whole lot of good without a genie.

These are some of the reasons why I did it, now let’s explore how I did it.

1. I educated myself on why it was so important to eliminate sugar. I had a clear goal and a vision of success.

2. I removed all the temptations from my home. Sounds simple enough right? Be sure to read labels and get rid of things with added sugar. And don’t forget to check for artificial sweeteners as well!

3. I stocked up on fresh fruits and vegetables, especially sweet vegetables (carrots, corn, onions, sweet potatoes and squash).

4. I picked up some medjool dates. (In recipes, like mygranola, that usually call for sugar, I would substitute date paste. It worked like a charm.)

5. I grabbed some peppermint and licorice tea. Both of these are herbal and naturally sweet.

6. I had a meal plan. I came up with a menu for my 10 days so there were no surprises. It’s human nature to act on cravings when you’re starving and don’t know what you’re going to eat.

7. I planned my day. I would wake up, remind myself why I was doing this and I would make a checklist for my day.

Now, the big question…what did I eat?

For breakfast, I would have oatmeal with blackstrap molasses, or homemade granola, both with a smoothie. Sometimes it would be my green smoothie, other times I would make my banana smoothie. (I added some hemp seeds to this – delish!)

For lunch, I would have leftovers.

If I needed a sweet flavor in between, I would drink my licorice or peppermint tea. (with this weather, I enjoyed it iced)

For dinners, it varied. But we always eat the trifecta (protein - I prefer plant based, carbs and fats). This set up is critical to feeling full and satiated.  After dinner, I would usually indulge with some chilled watermelon. That’s it, that was my dessert and there were only a couple days where I felt like I wanted more.

I also scraped my tongue twice a day. (Get a good quality tongue scraper, they last for years.) This actually helps with cravings as well. Plus it makes your tongue more sensitive to tastes and touch. Eating whole foods that are plant based with no added sugar, will open up your taste buds. You won’t believe how good simple things will taste! Things that didn’t have a whole lot of flavor before will baffle your mind with explosions of flavor. Like a tomato I got from farmer’s market. Can you say YUM?!

I feel marvelous! My skin is clearer (remember that acne family that moved onto my forehead? They are finally packing it up and moving out!). I have more energy, my husband will tell you that I’ve had less mood swings (and so will I), I’ve been sleeping better and I feel so much happier!

I don’t think I’ll go back to eating sugar for a while. I feel too good! I don’t want this to stop! All this and it’s only been 10 days!

If you decide to take a whirl at my 10 day sugar detox, I will provide you with daily emails, each with an action plan. There are more tips for getting to the root of your cravings in those emails. It sounds way more scary than it is. Go ahead and dive in…you can do it! I would love to hear from you! Come say hi on Facebook! 


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Days 8 & 9

Day 8

Last night, we went to the movies. Jon decided that he wanted to jump off the wagon and have some movie theater popcorn with sour patch kids. We made a deal: he would make me air popped popcorn and put it in ziplock baggies so I could sneak it in (I know, I’m a rebel) and I wouldn’t say anything about him ditching me on the detox.  He air popped some for me and away we went. I thought it would be difficult to resist the tantalizing treats, but it actually wasn’t bad. I was more than satisfied with my air popped bliss and the best part was that I didn’t feel gross, or bloated, or disgusting later!

Today was absolutely gorgeous! I love opening our doors and windows on days like today! Here’s my beautiful view!

Lately, I've been thinking about how important it is to be grateful. Saying what we’re grateful for in our heads is fantastic, but if we write it down it’s phenomenal. Gratitude is key for creating a healthy, happy life. 

So, I have a challenge for you. Write down 3 things you're grateful for every day. You’ll be amazed by how much life opens up for you. This helps put you in a positive mindset which is critical for happiness. Try it, you’ll be glad you did.

Day 9

One more day. I can’t believe it’s almost over. I will have a full report for you tomorrow including successes, recipes, and tips of how I did it.

Does thinking about getting off sugar scare you? It scared me, and I knew I had two choices. The first, continue what I was doing. I felt ok, but why settle? The second, try new things, feel the fear and take that step forward anyways. That’s what I decided to do. With all the evidence, I knew I had to. You can too! It’s not too late. Are you ready to feel amazing and try something new, a little scary but incredibly beneficial? You CAN do this!

Do you get freaked out thinking about taking this step alone? You don’t have to do it alone! I’m here to support you. If you’re thinking about doing this, but you’re not quite sure, contact me for a free health history and we can discuss your dreams, your goals and your ambitions.

I’ve heard from several people that they have tried to post comments, but for some reason they aren’t being published. I’m working on this problem, until then, you can get a hold of me through Facebook. So come on over! I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Days 6 & 7

 Day 6

Lately, we’ve seen a few HUGE spiders in our home. Yesterday we were getting ready for bed, I had my contacts out and I’m pretty blind without them. As I was snuggling into the blankets, I looked up and saw a gigantic black blob above my head. If it were up to me, I would kill the dang thing, but my husband is so sweet and literally wouldn’t hurt a fly. Every time we have an insect invader, he catches them and lets them go outside. So, he got a jar so he could catch it... 

The spider moved to the corner where the ceiling meets the wall. That’s like the most difficult place to catch an eight legged beast. As Jon was trying to coax him into the jar, the spider decided that it was time to tuck and dive. He dropped to the floor. I was standing on the bed yelling “Kill it! Kill it!” We were both freaking out because we had no clue where he was. All we knew was that he fell behind our bed. 

This thing moved freakishly fast so I thought he was probably half way to China by now. Jon turned on his phone flash light and dropped to the floor so he could attempt to spot him. He moved a couple boxes around and started banging his phone on the ground screaming “I found him, I got him!” He had located the beast and destroyed him. My hero! I’ve never seen him kill a bug, I think I’m rubbing off on him. Last week I scheduled a time for the bug guy to come spray.  So they came today. Finally!

The rest of the day consisted of running errands (where we saw the pics above), doing laundry and watching my guilty pleasure, The Bachelorette. The sugar cravings were much better today. Thank heavens! I can’t believe we’re past the halfway mark! We’re doing awesome!

Day 7

Last night I had a dream that I had a big bowl of Halloween candy in front of me. I mean, this thing was overflowing with goodies. I ate the whole dang thing! In my dream, I felt so sick after eating it. I felt sluggish, I had a stomachache, I couldn’t concentrate and I gained 20 lbs. It was horrible! I was so glad when I woke up! I felt fabulous. (This is a pic of my in-law's dog at Halloween time)

I have been waking up with so much more energy! My thoughts are more clear and focused. Before I was in this sugar detox, I didn’t even realize that I was in a brain fog. I guess you never really know you’re in one, until it’s lifted. I feel amazing! And the best part? I’m not constantly thinking about my next sugar fix. I don’t feel like a slave anymore! We can do this! I believe in you! You are spectacular and unique and incredible! Never forget that!

P.S. If you want in on the action, it's not too late and it's easy! Just write me on Facebook.  (For some reason, comments on my blog aren't coming through. I'm working on it though.)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Days 4 & 5

Day 4

Last night  (day 3) we went out to dinner and I have to say, it was a bit difficult to say no to the tantalizing sweets after. But I did! And I lived to tell the tale.

It’s day 4. I woke up this morning feeling fabulous! I looked in the mirror and is it my imagination, or is the acne that’s been plaguing my face nonstop for the past 4 months finally disappearing?! This is awesome!

It’s Saturday and that usually involves a sweet treat of some kind, so instead we did something new. We went hiking up to Pittock Mansion to see the view. Here are some pics we took along the way.

Man oh man! Tonight was tough! We came home and snuggled up with a movie. I wanted a sweet treat like you would not believe! I stood my ground though. I had homemade popcorn and a little more watermelon instead.  Phew!

Needless to say, today was a fun, adventure packed day with no sugar involved! Life is good!

Day 5

This weekend has been difficult! Weekends are usually when I indulge. Today we went to church and then came home and made an amazing dinner together. We tried a couple new things, forbidden rice and garlic spears.

We had Hawaiian Teriyaki Chickpeas with rice. We mixed the forbidden rice with brown rice. It was so cool, while it was cooking the water turned black! We sautéed the garlic spears with some water and a little salt. They are so bizarre! They had a texture kind of like asparagus and a light garlic-y, artichoke flavor. They we good. We also had steamed kale, broccoli, zucchini and carrots topped with my Better Than Cheddar Sauce. Yum!

It was after dinner that was arduous. I was having such bad cravings, I almost gave in! But I stayed strong! I thought of all of you that are doing this with me, and I couldn’t give up! We're half way there!

To curb the cravings, I drank some licorice tea. It’s herbal and it’s naturally sweet.

I'm excited for this coming week and the amazing opportunities it brings! Keep up the good work! You guys are phenomenal! I'm so proud of you!

It's still not too late to sign up for the 10 Day Sugar Detox. You can do it! You are strong, fierce and fabulous! Sign up by leaving a comment here or messaging me on Facebook. This is YOUR life, LIVE it and feel more amazing than you ever have!