Monday, June 2, 2014

Days 4 & 5

Day 4

Last night  (day 3) we went out to dinner and I have to say, it was a bit difficult to say no to the tantalizing sweets after. But I did! And I lived to tell the tale.

It’s day 4. I woke up this morning feeling fabulous! I looked in the mirror and is it my imagination, or is the acne that’s been plaguing my face nonstop for the past 4 months finally disappearing?! This is awesome!

It’s Saturday and that usually involves a sweet treat of some kind, so instead we did something new. We went hiking up to Pittock Mansion to see the view. Here are some pics we took along the way.

Man oh man! Tonight was tough! We came home and snuggled up with a movie. I wanted a sweet treat like you would not believe! I stood my ground though. I had homemade popcorn and a little more watermelon instead.  Phew!

Needless to say, today was a fun, adventure packed day with no sugar involved! Life is good!

Day 5

This weekend has been difficult! Weekends are usually when I indulge. Today we went to church and then came home and made an amazing dinner together. We tried a couple new things, forbidden rice and garlic spears.

We had Hawaiian Teriyaki Chickpeas with rice. We mixed the forbidden rice with brown rice. It was so cool, while it was cooking the water turned black! We sautéed the garlic spears with some water and a little salt. They are so bizarre! They had a texture kind of like asparagus and a light garlic-y, artichoke flavor. They we good. We also had steamed kale, broccoli, zucchini and carrots topped with my Better Than Cheddar Sauce. Yum!

It was after dinner that was arduous. I was having such bad cravings, I almost gave in! But I stayed strong! I thought of all of you that are doing this with me, and I couldn’t give up! We're half way there!

To curb the cravings, I drank some licorice tea. It’s herbal and it’s naturally sweet.

I'm excited for this coming week and the amazing opportunities it brings! Keep up the good work! You guys are phenomenal! I'm so proud of you!

It's still not too late to sign up for the 10 Day Sugar Detox. You can do it! You are strong, fierce and fabulous! Sign up by leaving a comment here or messaging me on Facebook. This is YOUR life, LIVE it and feel more amazing than you ever have!

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