Thursday, June 5, 2014

Days 8 & 9

Day 8

Last night, we went to the movies. Jon decided that he wanted to jump off the wagon and have some movie theater popcorn with sour patch kids. We made a deal: he would make me air popped popcorn and put it in ziplock baggies so I could sneak it in (I know, I’m a rebel) and I wouldn’t say anything about him ditching me on the detox.  He air popped some for me and away we went. I thought it would be difficult to resist the tantalizing treats, but it actually wasn’t bad. I was more than satisfied with my air popped bliss and the best part was that I didn’t feel gross, or bloated, or disgusting later!

Today was absolutely gorgeous! I love opening our doors and windows on days like today! Here’s my beautiful view!

Lately, I've been thinking about how important it is to be grateful. Saying what we’re grateful for in our heads is fantastic, but if we write it down it’s phenomenal. Gratitude is key for creating a healthy, happy life. 

So, I have a challenge for you. Write down 3 things you're grateful for every day. You’ll be amazed by how much life opens up for you. This helps put you in a positive mindset which is critical for happiness. Try it, you’ll be glad you did.

Day 9

One more day. I can’t believe it’s almost over. I will have a full report for you tomorrow including successes, recipes, and tips of how I did it.

Does thinking about getting off sugar scare you? It scared me, and I knew I had two choices. The first, continue what I was doing. I felt ok, but why settle? The second, try new things, feel the fear and take that step forward anyways. That’s what I decided to do. With all the evidence, I knew I had to. You can too! It’s not too late. Are you ready to feel amazing and try something new, a little scary but incredibly beneficial? You CAN do this!

Do you get freaked out thinking about taking this step alone? You don’t have to do it alone! I’m here to support you. If you’re thinking about doing this, but you’re not quite sure, contact me for a free health history and we can discuss your dreams, your goals and your ambitions.

I’ve heard from several people that they have tried to post comments, but for some reason they aren’t being published. I’m working on this problem, until then, you can get a hold of me through Facebook. So come on over! I would love to hear from you!

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